Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Preservation (Preservation #1) by Rachael Wade

As a reader who enjoys the romance genre, Preservation didn't let me down.  This is a great story of two people who never seem to get it right who finally get as close to perfect as you can. 

Kate is a great narrator, letting the reader in on her thoughts, her reasoning, and the way she buries her emotions until she can hide from them.  She never fails to acknowledge the tenuous situations in which she finds herself, such as her male friends having crushes on her, and finds a way to pull herself through while maintaining her sense of self-preservation.

Ryan is the perfect opposite of Kate.  Rather than shut out his every feeling until he convinces himself he no longer has them, he takes them over, manipulating them until he is in control of them. 
Both have made mistakes, both have given everything before and been badly burned, both of them know how to avoid the same situations.  Neither of them can ignore their feelings any longer- they have to let their emotions control them or risk losing them altogether.

Kate's narration is bookended by stories from Ryan's point of view.  This gives the reader awesome insight to what the other protagonist is really thinking, and provides a different perspective on some of the same scenes from the book. 

I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I think this has the makings of a great romance series. 

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