In the third installment of the Aberrant trilogy, Olivia finds herself trying to save Joshua, fending off advances from Henry, and keeping herself from being killed by Isaura. This could have been so much better in so many ways.
The writing was truly terrible. The punctuation errors alone had me confused as to the emotional state of every situation. The entire narration is awkward- not just the conversation. There are so many "plot twists" that they become tedious- time travel, reproduction experiments, telepathic communication, portals, blah, blah, blah. Because of these, there are also so many holes in the story that one just gives up hope of anything making sense at all.
Olivia comes across as a whiny narcissist who wants everyone to listen to her because she's the only woman left who can naturally conceive a child. At every confrontation I expected her to stamp her foot and shout "Because that's the way I want it!" I was so annoyed with her by the end of the book that I almost didn't even care if she had resolved her internal issues with being able to have a child versus wanting to have a child.
Isaura, the evil villain of the tale, was ludicrous. This ties directly in to the holes in the story. I still have no idea what her actual motive was. She hates Olivia. Okay, but why? And what is the purpose to everything? There isn't one, as far as I could tell.
The ending was also overwhelmingly saccharine. Yes, I like a good, solid ending. I even like endings that others might not find "happy." Everyone was so happily wrapped up that I wanted to gag.
I was disappointed in the conclusion of this trilogy. It started out so well, and went downhill from there, ending with this pile of poorly put together words.
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